Europe Moving Rapidly Toward Energy & Food Supply Collapse

The “Green New Deal” was not just a slogan invented by Congressman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and picked up by Joe Biden. It is a part of  greeter ideology being pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) ran by Klaus Schwab made famous recently such as comments like “you will own nothing and be happy.“ This greater ideology implementation is called “Environmental Social Governance” (ESG).

The other parts of the ESG philosophy are to cut farms down by 50% to shrink the global food supply and eliminate the eating of meat by regular people (you) in favor of insect and algae protein.

The sister ideology coming from the WEF is called “The Great Reset.” The Great Reset is the elimination owning virtually any property by regular people and most all you have will be obtained through a rental/subscription model. Government and big business will partner together to make all this happen.
There is a certain economic philosophy that involves a form of socialism where big business and government come together and that philosophy was pushed real hard by Giovanni Gentile & and some funny looking Italian guy named Benito. This is not a conspiracy theory they say this very openly and their world economic forum meetings which are all on video that everyone can look up.

The results of ESG so far have been skyrocketing energy prices, inflation, food shortages, empty shelves, and other supply chain problems. There are already riots and mass protests in many countries. Sri Lanka, which was the farthest along and implementing ESG, is in complete economic collapse. 

Europe is expecting to see mass power outages due to lack of electricity and gas this winter. While the left blames these shortages and inflation solely on the Ukrainian war, the simple truth is because of ESG implementation Europe has been ramping down its own coal, natural gas and nuclear power resources for some years now, much like California but much further along.

The United States has more than enough coal, oil and natural gas to make us completely energy independent and take care of most of Europe’s needs but instead the Democrats are content with letting manty Europeans freeze to death rather than stray from implementation of the Green New Deal.

Tucker Carlson goes into great detail. This is a must see. In the second video Tucker explains how Democrats, especially in California, are moving to ban gas powered cars while at the same time undermining the electrical grid. China has 80% of the electric battery and solar market cornered.

Sky News Australia: The Progressive/ESG War on Farming. Says the Holland government, “Some farmers will just have to go out of business.”

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