BUSTED! Top Democrat Operatives On Hidden Camera in Massive Vote Fraud Scheme (VIDEO)

Bussing in people to vote illegally. How do you do it? Well there are several ways.
You canvas people who have recently died or moved. You also identify voters who are registered to vote because of motor voter legislation but rarely show up to vote. You make a list of those people and you bus people from polling place to polling place, tell them to identify themselves as said person to vote for them.

Related: Video: Hillary Campaign staffers brag about breaking election laws. “What ever you can get away with, just do it.”

Undercover Video: Violent Agitators On Hillary’s Payroll, Blamed Bernie!

Or in this case, the scheme was to set up illegal Hispanic day laborers with an address and a pay stub from a company created just to enable the fraud so that they can register to vote illegally  in states where an address and a pay stub with your address on it is all you need for proof. Then have others vote for them later.

James O’Keefe from Project Veritas has the hidden camera video where it all unfolds. In the video you see top DNC operatives like Scott Foval, Deputy Director of People for the American Way, a DNC think tank, and Bob Creamer, husband of Congressman Jan Schakowsky (D-ILL).

“We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you f*****g assholes for fifty years, and we’re not going to stop now, we’re just going to find a different way of doing it.” – Scott Foval

UPDATE – Hillary Campaign and DNC emails substantiate the video. Bob Creamer is shown in multiple DNC emails about events where they are sending agitators:





Bob Creamer is also well know to John Podesta, the Chairman of Hillary’s Campaign. Look at this list of email exchanges HERE.

Creamer also met with Obama 339 times


Newt Gingrich points out that organized vote fraud and political violence are federal crimes. Where is the FBI?

UPDATE Video III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Involvement –

NOTE – The video also shows illegal coordination between the Clinton Campaign, the DNC and a SuperPAC.

Bret Baier reports on the illegalities revealed:

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