NYT Reporter gave Clinton Campaign veto power over quotes used. Submits article for ‘approval’…

WikiLeaks has shown us via Hillary Clinton’s own campaign emails that there is no line between the Democratic Party and most of the elite media that covers them.

The rules seem to work like this – If  Republican miss speaks it is screamed loud and proud by the elite media and there are no “do overs” or revisions, but if you are a Democrat not only do you get do overs, you get to pick and choose what quotes are used and even get the questions in advance.

In this email NYT reporter Mark Liebovich asks Clinton Campaign Communication Director Jennifer Palmieri for permission to use certain quotes, submits his piece to her for approval and gives them veto power on what should or should not be included. So much for journalistic ethics.

The Email:

On Jul 7, 2015, at 10:30 PM, Leibovich, Mark <leibovich@nytimes.com> wrote: i wanted the option to use all — and you could veto what you didn’t want. That’s why i selected the 5 or 6 I sent to you…The moose is good, but I’d really love to use the other things i sent, too. They were all on point.

Breitbart News:

Leibovich opens his article using his sighting of a moose as a “point of connection” with Hillary. As instructed he conceals Clinton’s mention of Palin and all other portions of the interview the campaign vetoed.

Despite allowing the Clinton campaign the ability to veto any interview content, in his article, Leibovich brags that even after the campaign sent him an email in the leadup to his story instructing him that the campaign office was “OTR” or off-the-record, he responded by writing that he “wasn’t abiding by any ‘office is off the record provisions.’”

After dishing out the marching orders, Palmieri finishes by telling Leibovich, “Pleasure doing business.”

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