Science Fiction is the last playground of the philosophers – Gene Roddenberry (video)

We have said many times here at Political Arena that just quoting people facts and Lincoln-Douglass style debate isn’t enough. In order to teach the great lessons of life and deeper wisdom, it must be done through stories and narratives.

Star Trek is one of the very best programs that demonstrates this truth. Several of the Greek philosophers, plays, and literature have their work retold in Star Trek. The Roman legal philosopher and rhetorician Cicero is featured throughout the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine shows. William Shakespeare also is well represented in Star Trek.

To the intellectually dim Star Trek is just “space invaders” with actors, but to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, to the intellectually and philosophically curious, Star Trek becomes a wondrous teaching tool that can be used to reinforce the ideals that America was founded upon.

Here is an example:
Star Trek: Samuel T. Cogley Attorney at Law

Star Trek: The Wisdom of Captain Jean Luc Picard

Another reason why Star Trek works as a story telling medium is that the people of Star Trek are exploring the final frontier. Americans are a frontier people who have run out of “frontier”.

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