AWESOME: 13-Year-Old Jenny Gives Report Cards to Obama and Romney (video) – UPDATE: A Liberal Responds (and so does the editor)

I am shocked at how good this is.

A leftist, Mimi Tackaberry, responded, so we included a little fact check of our own. Enjoy.

Dear Jenny,
First let me commend you on your poise and on getting involved in politics at your very young age. If you are like most 13 year olds, your world view and values are formed in the context of your family. If you are intellectually curious your early perspective will likely evolve. A few years ago Jonathan Krohn at age 14 was the darling of Fox News and now 4 years later he’s rethought many of his conservative positions.

[Political Arena Editor Responds:

Indeed John Krohn has moved on some of his positions, but keep in mind that liberal teachers union employees sought out to cram those views at him as well.

With that said, Artur Davis, who spoke for Obama at the 2008 Democrat Convention, spoke at the 2012 convention for Romney. In fact there is a long list of playwrites, Hollywood stars such as Ron Silver, James Woods, Gary Graham, Kelsey Grammer, Stacy Dash and Dennis Miller, and liberal activists such as David Horowitz who have switched to become conservatives]

The recent death of those 4 Americans in Benghazi was horrible indeed. But President Obama has spent almost 4 years fulfilling his campaign promises –to end the war in Iraq and schedule our troops to leave Afghanistan. He’s rallied world support for sanctions against Iran, created good will and all-important cooperation. Most of the civilized world commends his leadership and only Pakistan hopes that Romney wins (I guess they’re still bummed that our President killed Bin Laden right next to their military academy).

[Political Arena Editor Responds:

What nonsense. President Obama watched via our overhead drones in the situation room as our embassy staff was slaughtered and it was Obama that gave the stand down orders to stop CIA and military help. The emails saying so have been leaked by his own intelligence community:

Obama spent four years fulfilling his campaign promises??? Oh really? Here are five pages of broken promises via

And here are 13 minutes of broken promises on video:

By the way the Taliban is re-surging in Afghanistan and by advocating leaving you are dooming the women of Afghanistan to a fate worse than death. Also, the Muslim world hates us more now than when Obama took office:

read it.]

Gov. Romney has no foreign policy experience but he’s surrounded himself with many of the same advisers who gave us the Bush war. Not one American life was lost when the people of Libya overthrew the dictator Qaddafi. Over 4000 Americans lost their lives in Bush’s war.

[Political Arena Editor Responds:

Wrong, our embassy staff was slaughtered by the very same people Obama has been arming, namely Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Qadaffi, Mubarak, Asaad, and The King of Jordan are/were all in favor of keeping the peace agreement with Israel. Obama has been arming people who have vowed to kill us in order to help them overthrow those governments and they are in the process of being replaced with Sharia Supremacist governments via the Muslim Brotherhood. The PUBLIC slaughter of political enemies and subjugation of women has already started where they have taken control.

Yes indeed, lives were lost in Iraq, but while it has problems, at least it is a functioning democratic government and not a Muslim Brotherhood one.]

Jenny I’m afraid Bain is not like your dad’s business where he does well if he takes care of his customers. Bain did start some companies, like Staples, but then Romney moved Bain on to a new business model – called leverage buyouts, which means you buy a company with a low down payment, and then the company is saddled with the debt of the balance of the purchase price. Your question should be “how would being good at leverage buyouts make Romney good at being President of the United States?”

[Political Arena Editor Responds:

FACT: Mitt Romney left Bain Capital to run the Olympics in 1999. When the leverage buy outs and such that the Democrats are putting in TV commercials started happening the man in charge of Bain was and is President Obama’s largest campaign money bundler:

Read it.]

Let’s talk about 5 years from now when your rights as a woman could be vastly curtailed. Do you plan to have a career? Romney does not support the legislation signed by Obama for equal pay for women and he supports the Blunt Amendment giving employers the right to withhold contraception from your (future) health plan – for any reason. So dig a deeper. You have a promising future ahead of you, unless…

[Political Arena Editor Responds:

The legislation that Obama signed does not guarantee equal pay for women, rather the bill is carefully designed to hand the trial lawyers lobby a boatload of money via lawsuits that are almost unprovable.

Lets talk about women’s rights. Real rights, you know, Like the First Amendment.

What Obama is trying to do is use the government to FORCE churches and church institutions to pay for not just contraception, but abortions and abortion inducing drugs. This is not only a violation of freedom of religion, but it also obliterates any notion of “Separation of Church and State”.

Also, President Obama threw a film maker in jail illegally and without bond for making a film criticizing Islam and its treatment of women among other things. He also is supporting action in the United Nations to make it a crime to criticize Islam. What about free speech? How will women speak out against bad treatment?

Also about birth control, anyone can buy it at the store for between $4 and $9 a month. Do you really want the government to creep in your bedroom either by way of buying your birth control or forcing someone else to pay for it for you?

Does President Obama support equal rights for women? Perhaps one indicator is that he pays women on his campaign and White House Staff less than men. The same goes for Democrats in Congress, they pay women less:

Obama White House Pays Women 18% Less… and His 2008 Campaign Did too….

Female Democrat Senators Pay Female Staffers Less than Men…. Much Less!

And the Democrats assault on women doesn’t end there. The Obamacare IPAB rationing panel has targeted women’s health care screenings for rationing again, while fully admitting that the result will be more dead women from breast and cervical cancer:

In fact, here are some examples of how Democrats treat women:

Watch the videos.]

16 thoughts on “AWESOME: 13-Year-Old Jenny Gives Report Cards to Obama and Romney (video) – UPDATE: A Liberal Responds (and so does the editor)”

  1. This kid is absolutely amazing! This was a very succinct summary of the key issues. Report card aside- this kid is eloquent, intelligent and well-informed. This gives me hope for America. Now, if only all the kids in America were so well-educated and motivated- then we’d REALLY be on to something.

  2. Oh, thank you, my dear young lady, for giving us hope for our future. As they say, out of the mouths of babes…God bless our youth and our country and its future….

  3. there’s a future president of the U.S.A. God bless you sweety and your mom and dad for bringing you up right!!!

  4. Having come to America from a socialist country I can attest that this young lady has spoken the truth and while she did not address the issue of socialism as such, she certainly exposed it with facts. The choice is clear: Capitalism and free enterprise, or Socialism and wealth redistribution.
    Tony B.

    1. You don’t understand the reality of what is REALLY going on in this Country. It’s NOT Socialism / Wealth Distribution vs. Capitalism / Free Enterprise. You weren’t here when the reality of what a truly FREE America was like. I’m a War veteran and fought to preserve an America that has been subverted by lies and innuendo from the obscenely rich who have no concept of the day to day struggles of working class Americans OR the working class of whatever Country you came from. Don’t pretend that your upbringing elsewhere is indicative a superb knowledge of what America is all about. Once upon a time, there was good for ALL, not just a few. The 1% is a lot more destructive to the average American than any of the remaining 99%.

      [Political Arena Editor Responds:
      JP – First of all she is 13, so lighten up. So what do you propose to do about this problem? The Democratic Party is MUCH more controlled by mega corps and similar interests than the GOP and any examination of corporate donations screams just that. So what is your solution?

      I have one, we simplify the tax code, enshrine it in the Constitution, and make ethics rules with teeth that essentially take away Congress’s ability to gain from doing favors. That is a good start.]

  5. While I admire this girl’s eloquence and depth of thought, her argument is unconvincing. If she wishes to make a clear point, she should have compared Obama and Romney according to their performance in the SAME catagories. For example, I fail to see how Romney’st management of the Salt Lake games compares Obama’s management of the economy or the war on terror. It makes no sense to compare and contrast subjects which are completely unrelated!

    [Really? She is a 13 year old girl. This wasn’t a college thesis – Editor.]

    1. Seriously, you can’t follow her? Keep in mind, only one of them has held the office of President. Can you supply a success story from Obama’s past to compare to Bain Capital, or the Olympics? (crickets chirping) I doubt you can because there are none. So far all he has proven is he can’t keep his promises. Watch this video and maybe this will clear it up for you.

      1. Good point, Hannamomma! I have felt the same way through the campaign. Romney has no experience being the president so we can only judge him on what he has done. Great video…great points!

    2. She can’t really compare them in the same catagories because Romney has not been the Commander and Chief yet. Let’s give Mitt a chance then we can compare Obama’s 4 years with Romney’s 4 years and I can almost guarantee the grades that Obama got will be bettered by Romney. When they select a valedictorian they don’t compare the classes they take, they compare the grades. If you can’t see the merit of Romney’s work on the Olympic Games as proof positive of his management skills, you are blinded by Obama’s rhetoric.

  6. This young lady has her facts down and I’m sorry to say is much smarter than many of our news media and many of the “adults” who will vote clueless! It’s most unfortunate,however, that many of these people would blindly lead our great nation down the path to ruin with Barack Obama!

  7. This video is so scripted and partisan, its a fake and obvious. Whoever got that girl to sell romney should be ashamed. probably her republican dad talked her in to it. Its sick how desperate a party gets to exploit children. What ever happened to the evangelical right that critized and rebuked anyone who is not christian? Is a Mormon an exception, now that he is the only face representing the right? So sad, that the future has come to this.

    Political Arena Editor Responds:

    Really Norman? She is 13 so lighten up. And exploiting children…. Oh really?

    And this

    Seriously Norman, hate is not a family value.

  8. Dear Jenny,
    First let me commend you on your poise and on getting involved in politics at your very young age. If you are like most 13 year olds, your world view and values are formed in the context of your family. If you are intellectually curious your early perspective will likely evolve. A few years ago Jonathan Krohn at age 14 was the darling of Fox News and now 4 years later he’s rethought many of his conservative positions.

    [Political Arena Editor Responds:

    Indeed John Krohn has moved on some of his positions, but keep in mind that liberal teachers union employees sought out to cram those views at him as well.

    With that said, Artur Davis, who spoke for Obama at the 2008 Democrat Convention, spoke at the 2012 convention for Romney. In fact there is a long list of playwrites, Hollywood stars such as Ron Silver, James Woods, Gary Graham, Kelsey Grammer, Stacy Dash and Dennis Miller, and liberal activists such as David Horowitz who have switched to become conservatives]

    The recent death of those 4 Americans in Benghazi was horrible indeed. But President Obama has spent almost 4 years fulfilling his campaign promises –to end the war in Iraq and schedule our troops to leave Afghanistan. He’s rallied world support for sanctions against Iran, created good will and all-important cooperation. Most of the civilized world commends his leadership and only Pakistan hopes that Romney wins (I guess they’re still bummed that our President killed Bin Laden right next to their military academy).

    [Political Arena Editor Responds:

    What nonsense. President Obama watched via our overhead drones in the situation room as our embassy staff was slaughtered and it was Obama that gave the stand down orders to stop CIA and military help. The emails saying so have been leaked by his own intelligence community:

    Benghazigate Part II – “Stand Down” orders came from the White House

    Everything you need to know about how Obama lied about the embassy attacks in two minutes (video)

    Obama spent four years fulfilling his campaign promises??? Are you kidding? Here is FIVE PAGES of broken promises via

    And here are 13 minutes of broken promises on video:

    By the way the Taliban is re-surging in Afghanistan and by advocating leaving you are dooming the women of Afghanistan to a fate worse than death. Also, the Muslim world hates us more now than when Obama took office:

    read it.]

    Gov. Romney has no foreign policy experience but he’s surrounded himself with many of the same advisers who gave us the Bush war. Not one American life was lost when the people of Libya overthrew the dictator Qaddafi. Over 4000 Americans lost their lives in Bush’s war.

    [Political Arena Editor Responds:

    Wrong, our embassy staff was slaughtered by the very same people Obama has been arming, namely Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Qadaffi, Mubarak, Asaad and The King of Jordan are/were all in favor of keeping the peace agreement with Israel. Obama has been arming people who have vowed to kill us in order to help them overthrow those governments and they are in the process of being replaced with Sharia Supremacist governments via the Muslim Brotherhood. The PUBLIC slaughter of political enemies and subjugation of women has already started where they have taken control.

    Yes indeed, lives were lost in Iraq, but while it has problems, at least it is a function democratic government and not a Muslim Brotherhood one.]

    Jenny I’m afraid Bain is not like your dad’s business where he does well if he takes care of his customers. Bain did start some companies, like Staples, but then Romney moved Bain on to a new business model – called leverage buyouts, which means you buy a company with a low down payment, and then the company is saddled with the debt of the balance of the purchase price. Your question should be “how would being good at leverage buyouts make Romney good at being President of the United States?”

    [Political Arena Editor Responds:

    FACT: Romney left Bain Capital to run the Olympics in 1999. When the leverage buy outs and such that the Democrats are putting in TV commercials started happening the man in charge of Bain was and is President Obama’s largest campaign money bundler:

    Obama’s Top Money Man Was In Charge of Bain Capital During GST Steel Layoffs

    Read it.]

    Let’s talk about 5 years from now when your rights as a woman could be vastly curtailed. Do you plan to have a career? Romney does not support the legislation signed by Obama for equal pay for women and he supports the Blunt Amendment giving employers the right to withhold contraception from your (future) health plan – for any reason. So dig a deeper. You have a promising future ahead of you, unless…

    [Political Arena Editor Responds:

    The legislation that Obama signed does not guarantee equal pay for women, rather the bill is carefully designed to hand the trial lawyers lobby a boatload of money via lawsuits that are almost unprovable.

    Lets talk about women’s rights. Real rights, you know, Like the First Amendment.

    What Obama is trying to do is use the government to FORCE churches and church institutions to pay for not just contraception, but abortions and abortion inducing drugs. This is not only a violation of freedom of religion, but it also obliterates any notion of “Separation of Church and State”.

    Also, President Obama threw a film maker in jail illegally and without bond for making a film criticizing Islam and its treatment of women among other things. He also is supporting action in the United Nations to make it a crime to criticize Islam. What about free speech? How will women speak out against bad treatment?

    Also about birth control, anyone can buy it at the store for between $4 and $9 a month. Do you really want the government to creep in your bedroom either by way of buying your birth control or forcing someone else to pay for it for you?

    Does President Obama support equal rights for women? Well first of all he pays women on his campaign and White House Staff less than men. The same goes for Democrats in Congress, they pay women less:

    Obama White House Pays Women 18% Less… and His 2008 Campaign Did too….

    Female Democrat Senators Pay Female Staffers Less than Men…. Much Less!

    And the Democrats assault on women doesn’t end there. The Obamacare IPAB rationing panel has targeted women’s health care screenings for rationing again, while fully admitting that the result will be more dead women from Breast and cervical cancer:

    ObamaCare Panel Targeting Women’s Health Screenings…Again

    In fact, here are some examples of how Democrats treat women:

    Watch the videos.]

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