Republicans Cannot Trust Bob Woodward

When are Republicans going to learn NOT to trust Bob Woodward? Woodward was Naval Intelligence and went right to being a senior reporter with the Washington Post with next to no experience. His benefactor was Mark Felt, Deputy FBI Director who was the head of COINTELPRO – the FBI’s dirty tricks division. Woodward has been … Continue reading Republicans Cannot Trust Bob Woodward

Church Committee Hearings: How FBI Illegally Waged Dirty Tricks Campaigns Against MLK & Other Political Groups

The abuses by the CIA and the FBI revealed in the Church Committee Hearings are breathtaking. It is no surprise that the corporate media never talks about what these hearings revealed. They have been effectively memory holed. Unfortunately, as stomach turning as the facts revealed by congressional investigators were, only a portion of the CIA/FBI’s … Continue reading Church Committee Hearings: How FBI Illegally Waged Dirty Tricks Campaigns Against MLK & Other Political Groups

Democrats/Corporate Media in Fits Over New House “Church Committee” Hearings to Investigate FBI/CIA

The Church Committee Hearings from the 1970’s revealed that CIA’s domestic operations along with their FBI counterparts in COINTELPRO took political dirty tricks to a dark and disturbing level. How disturbing? The list includes illegal domestic break-ins, forgeries, planting of false evidence to engage in election interference, psy-ops, colluding with corporate media to lie to … Continue reading Democrats/Corporate Media in Fits Over New House “Church Committee” Hearings to Investigate FBI/CIA

Tucker: Did the CIA engineer Watergate to take out Nixon because like JFK he challenged the Intelligence Community?

NOTE: The Church Committee hearings revealed that CIA’s domestic operations along with their FBI counterparts in COINTELPRO took political dirty tricks to a dark and disturbing level. This includes break-ins, forgeries, planting of false evidence to engage in election interference, psy-ops, colluding with corporate media, and illegal human medical experimentation. They sent disturbing letters to … Continue reading Tucker: Did the CIA engineer Watergate to take out Nixon because like JFK he challenged the Intelligence Community?

Why so many people believe that 2020 election was stolen

Aside from the massive amount of evidence we have posted here, the hundreds of bipartisan affidavits, the fact that Democrats used FORCE to illegally, and in some cases in direct violation of court orders, eject Republican lawyers and ballot observers. Then they watched as every case that had real merit was tossed out by cowardly … Continue reading Why so many people believe that 2020 election was stolen